Experience the aftermath of The Dark Knight movie as Gotham City finds peace after Batman takes the fall for Harvey Dent's murder. But when Bane arrives with his malicious plan to seize control and reveal the truth about Dent, the city's tranquility is short-lived. As Batman reluctantly comes out of retirement, a mysterious jewel thief named Selina Kyle may hold the key to stopping Bane. Our Genuine Leather Bane Coat, inspired by Tom Hardy's portrayal of the infamous villain, is the perfect way to unleash your inner super villain. Made from premium cowhide leather and featuring a stylish fleece trim and collar, this longer length coat is a faithful replica of Bane's iconic look. Complete with a split back, chunky buttons, and patch pockets, this winter jacket is a unique addition to any wardrobe. Available in all sizes and custom sizing for an additional fee, our Bane Distressed Brown Leather Coat is the ultimate must-have.